What's the difference between Free Coins and Paid Coins?
The expiration time for Free Coins is 23:59:59 GMT+0 every day, while Paid Coins expires after 2 years. Free Coins can be obtained through daily login, whereas paid currency can only be purchased from the Coins Store.
Can Free Coins be accumulated?
The reset time for free currency is 23:59:59 GMT+0 every day.
Do Paid Coins expire?
Paid coins are valid for 2 years. When consuming Paid Coins, priority will be given to consuming the first Coins purchased, i.e. the ones with the earliest elapsed time.
How do I cancel an existing subscription?
You can cancel your ChatMax subscription at any time during the subscription period on the payment platform, and the cancellation will not result in a new renewal at the end of the current subscription.
Do the Coins work on the mobile app?
Currently VideoMax's iOS client is not interoperable with Coins on the web, but we're working on it!
Can Premium members use AI Video?
Unfortunately, ChatMax membership does not include free generation of AI Video, you still need to purchase Coins to generate videos.